In the hospitality business there is so much that goes unsaid. This has to do with many things. Most of it boils down to improper management, plain and simple. Managers can make things very difficult for themselves and when they do, it often filters down to their staff.
How many of you in the industry have faced just that: A manager that was not professional, unfair, or perhaps just upset at the world. Maybe personal issues were driving this behavior. People aren't perfect, however without the proper management training, you will find those that simply do not have the skills to manage properly, even at a general manager level. You also have the other side of the coin where the manager feels that they are infallible and the ego that accompanies it. Egos close ears.
More importantly, managers by definition should be professionals. They are who you look up to as a line employee or an assistant. Your manager should be a role model and a good example of what you should aspire to become. If you can not approach your manager, or you witness negative aspects of what they do or say, then you lose respect for your manager and that could affect a lot.
Either way, it's not a good situation from a morale standpoint and can seriously affect the quality of service the staff provides. Although the list could go on forever, this is a great starter on what managers should not do.
Six Lines Your Boss Should Never Cross.